Pragmatic Programming

IOS Developer/Course Creator | Pragmatic Programming, Alameda, CA | April 2022 – Present
● Instruct and mentor novice developers with regard to performing well against Swift coding challenges. These challenges demonstrate the ability to:
o manipulate characters, strings, arrays o utilize higher order functions
o utilize delegates and protocols
o utilize closures
● Create course content that instructs developers in the best ways to manage memory.
● Create course content that teaches developers about MVVM. Why do people use MVVM and
what are the aspects of MVVM that make it superior to MVC.
● Create course content that gives a thorough overview of git and GitHub as well as the
common git commands and concepts that are necessary for any developer that is employed
as an iOS developer.
● Developing testable, efficient code that is readable and scalable by implementing MVVM
design patterns.
● Create course content that teaches about custom objects, decoding and Codeable
● Create course content that instructs new developers on how to use Combine with MVVM to
create responsive and testable code
● Create course content on implementing Crashlytics, Analytics and Cocoapods in general
● More...
Here is a sample of some of the tutorial courses:

Here is an introduction to Swift Closures

Closure Basics explained better than what you get from a bootcamp.

Opu Labs – Pocket Skin Clinic

IOS Mobile Developer | Opu Labs, Alameda, CA | September 2019 – February 2020

● Led the successful refactoring of a common code base that was non-maintainable for scaling by modifying the navigation menu and adding an additional view layer.
● Worked closely with a team of 3 developers during the mobile iOS development process to integrate new application features and enhancements.
● Ensured clean code writing in project controllers by using delegation patterns to allow the object composition to achieve code reusability.
● Successfully integrated intuitive user interface elements into the application programmatically or in Sketch using Interface Builder.
● Improved the user experience by utilizing Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) to move business logic off the main threads.
● Employed Resift and MVVM software architecture to create SDK and a new component from the ground up and successfully integrate them into the main application.
● Technologies: Agile, Swift, Xcode, MVC, and AWS CodeCommit.

Here is the link to the app store:

Akraya (ShopBob)

IOS Mobile Developer | Akraya, Alameda, CA | March 2020 - June 2020

● Applied thorough technical knowledge to maintain the online storefront for Shop Bop and code new components and application features that enhance the user experience.
● Designed and integrated an application that calls REST APIs and serializes and parses returning calls.
● Coordinated with 3 team members to lead code optimization for new features and services and ensure alignment with design specifications.
● Technologies: Agile, Swift, Xcode, and MVVM.
● Developing the custom camera screen for chat application based on the UI/UX specs.

Here is the link to the app store:


LocEight is an app that conveniently allows you to locate places to park and once you’ve parked and enjoyed and finished whatever errand or activity LocEight helps you to find where you parked.

This app conveniently and intuitively allows you to find parking and your parking space without all of the fiddling you have to go through with other apps.
How to save your parking location information …
Locate your parking space once you need to find it. You can also find places to eat, shopping and other parking options with the swipe of a finger.

Here is the link to the app store:

Team Gear

Keep track of the items that you loan out to members of your youth football, soccer, baseball, jiujitsu, karate, boxing, kickboxing, etc. This app provides a convenient and simple way to keep track and be notified of when something needs to be returned to you.

You simply click the “+” symbol in the upper right hand corner. Once you do that you’l be able to add all of the information for the borrowed item.

Add the information and images, then click the save button.

TeamGear will then give you reminders when the date and time comes to get the property that you loaned out.

TeamGear is available in the App Store at:

Opu Labs

I helped develop an iOS application for skin care.



Technologies: Swift version 5.0, Xcode 11.3.1.

Opu Labs iOS application is a software that helps facilitate skin care in. Users can take photos or scans and have certain aspects of their skin health documented and or critiqued. As one of the developers on the iOS team, it was my job to add features and address bugs. I also did a limited amount of functionality refactoring so that the app could better adhere to the MVC design pattern.

Working on the app required extensive knowledge of CoreData and UserDefaults for aspects of the functionality that require persistence.

Moreover, the application also required thorough knowledge of UIImagePickerControllerDelegate for the accessing of the device camera and photoLibrary.

iClipze (MVP)

Language: iOS Mobile Development, Swift 4.2

Backend: Firebase

This is an application written using Swift 4.2 and Xcode Version 10.2. The purpose for the application is to connect barbers to clients. This application was designed to solve the problem of getting clients while starting you barber career journey.

Login to the application. Begin locating barbers who are in your vicinity.

This application also has functionality for barbers, so that they are given the ability to find clients.

the iTunes app store:


Language: iOS Mobile Development, Swift 4.2

Backend: Firebase

This is a simple messaging application written using Swift 4.2 and Xcode Version 10.2. This was an application that I created in my spare time so that I could become more familiar with Firebase functionality.


You will either register or login and once you do you click the compose button in the top righthand corner of the application and the application will display a searchable list of users.


You will then select a user to message and it will take you to the chat portion of the application.


Type a message in the input field and then click send or tap the return key. If you don’t have a long message or a lot of messages, tap the interface and the keyboard will lower to reveal all message that were sent. Tap the back button to return to the main screen and you will see that the message you entered as part of a list of conversations. Similar to the way text messages work on the iPhone.


At this point you can start new conversations with other users if you wish.

For more info go to my GitHub repository at: and read the “” file.


This was the first version of the minimum viable product for an application that connects barbers with clients. However, more functionality was needed to make this a truly practical and useful application.

iClipze is an iOS application written in swift that gathers barbershop information about the nearest business and arranges the data for you. This application makes it convenient for you to gather information about a barbershop, contact the barbershop and schedule an appointment that is added to your iPhone calendar.

Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 9.18.40 PM

Either tap the “current location” button or enter a custom address.

Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 9.22.25 PM

Tap the list button in the upper right hand corner and you will get a list of barbershops.

Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 9.21.52 PM

Once you get the list find the barbershop that you are interested in and swipe left. Then you will have the option to: call the barbershop, map it’s location or add it to your iPhone calendar.

Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 9.22.49 PM

If you select “call” the app makes the call for you. If you select schedule, the application will add the appointment to your iPhone calendar. If you tap “map,” the application will open up apple maps with the directions plotted out for you.

Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 9.23.19 PM

The above picture depicts the dialog for saving a scheduled appointment to the iPhone calendar.

Screen Shot 2019-03-21 at 9.22.59 PM

This is the apple map with the location and directions plotted to the barbershop.

For more info go to my GitHub repository at: and read the “” file.


ListedIn is a note taking application that is primarily for finding properties for rental or purchase.

Screen Shot 2019-03-10 at 4.32.04 PM

In order to get started, create a category by clicking the “add category” button in the upper right hand corner and a dialog will come up that allows you to add a name for a category.

Screen Shot 2019-03-10 at 4.35.59 PM

Then click the save button and a new category has been added to your app. Click on the new category and it’s contents should be empty. Now add an address for your property.

Screen Shot 2019-03-10 at 4.41.16 PM

Press the “return” button and an address has been added to your list. Then click on the address in the tableView and add a note to the address by pressing the compose button icon or add an image by pressing the camera button. You can also map to the location by pressing the “map” button.

Screen Shot 2019-03-10 at 4.49.12 PM

When ever you want to delete any note or image from an address, just press the trash can icon.

If you click the red button, you will delete the note and if you press the “x” on any image, the image will be deleted from memory.

the iTunes app store:

For more info go to my GitHub repository at: and read the “” file.