Pragmatic Programming

IOS Developer/Course Creator | Pragmatic Programming, Alameda, CA | April 2022 – Present
● Instruct and mentor novice developers with regard to performing well against Swift coding challenges. These challenges demonstrate the ability to:
o manipulate characters, strings, arrays o utilize higher order functions
o utilize delegates and protocols
o utilize closures
● Create course content that instructs developers in the best ways to manage memory.
● Create course content that teaches developers about MVVM. Why do people use MVVM and
what are the aspects of MVVM that make it superior to MVC.
● Create course content that gives a thorough overview of git and GitHub as well as the
common git commands and concepts that are necessary for any developer that is employed
as an iOS developer.
● Developing testable, efficient code that is readable and scalable by implementing MVVM
design patterns.
● Create course content that teaches about custom objects, decoding and Codeable
● Create course content that instructs new developers on how to use Combine with MVVM to
create responsive and testable code
● Create course content on implementing Crashlytics, Analytics and Cocoapods in general
● More...
Here is a sample of some of the tutorial courses:

Here is an introduction to Swift Closures

Closure Basics explained better than what you get from a bootcamp.

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